James Allen ASET Scope Images Spotlight Performance Issues

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February 2

"Do you know how to get James Allen ASET scope images for True Hearts diamonds? From what I've read on your website, I need an ASET scope image to determine whether a diamond is good or not."

"James Allen only provides an Ideal scope and a photograph of the hearts' pattern for James Allen True Hearts diamonds."

"One of the articles I read on your site indicated that you might be able to get ASET scope images for James Allen diamonds."

Use James Allen ASET Scope images to pick the best looking diamond.

Bezel Set Solitaire by James Allen.

"Can you see whether you can get ASET scope images for the four James Allen True Hearts diamonds that I'm considering and help me pick the best one? Thanks in advance; I appreciate all that you do."

James Allen ASET Scope Images:

Petite Flush Fit Pave Setting

Flush Fit Pave Setting by James Allen.

As it so happens, it was pretty easy to find the ASET Scope images for the James Allen True Hearts diamonds below. It was so easy that you're not going to believe it.

It's kind of funny how often people overlook the obvious when searching for ASET Scope images for James Allen True Hearts diamonds.

It's not your fault, really, so don't waste any time beating yourself up over this. The James Allen ASET Scope images for some True Hearts diamonds are hiding in plain sight. Are you ready for this? Keep reading because the answer will blow your mind.

James Allen True Hearts Diamond Reviews:

James Allen ASET scope images for True Hearts diamond, AGS 104093760004

James Allen ASET for True Hearts Diamond.

The ASET Scope map for the 1.035 carat, H-color, VS-1 clarity, James Allen True Hearts diamond is on the diamond grading report. Under those circumstances, it seems like the James Allen ASET Scope image is staring you in the face.

It's like that time you lost your keys, and they were sitting right in front of you. You know what that's like, right?

Look. Please don't feel bad about it. My girlfriend was sitting next to me earlier today and frantically searching through her purse for her glasses.

Consequently, they were tucked into her sweater by the arm of the glasses, right beneath her face. This sort of thing happens all the time, right? After all, we're only human.

This sort of thing happens so often that psychologists have a name for it. When people fail to see things staring them right in the face, it is known as a psychological scotoma.

In essence, we tend not to see something like an ASET Scope image if we don't expect it to be there. This phenomenon is also known as "Male Refrigerator Blindness" (at least in our house).

James Allen ASET Scope Photographs?

Where to find ASET Scope images for James Allen True Hearts diamond, AGS 104093760004

James Allen True Hearts Diamond Details.

People cannot find James Allen ASET Scope images for True Hearts diamonds because JA doesn't provide them in the usual format.

I know what you're thinking: The ASET Scope image for this diamond should be sitting right next to the photograph of the hearts' pattern and the Ideal Scope image. Am I right?

After all, other vendors like Brian Gavin and Victor Canera make it easy to find the ASET Scope images for their diamonds.

As you might imagine, this is something that I've discussed with James Allen Schultz on more than one occasion. At the same time, the reality is that you got lucky here.

The AGS Laboratory grades all the James Allen True Hearts diamonds you're considering on the Platinum Light Performance grading platform. If these diamonds had been graded by the GIA or by the AGS on their standard grading platform, ASET Scope images would not be readily available.

Although this may be true, I might find ASET Scope images if the supplier provides them on the multiple listing services we use to trade diamonds globally. Other times, we've been able to get them within a few days by asking for James Allen ASET Scope images.

Are James Allen ASET Scope Images Necessary?
East West Halo Pave Setting by James Allen.

East West Halo Pave Setting by James Allen.

People often ask me whether James Allen ASET Scope images are necessary for True Hearts diamonds. After all, James Allen does provide a photograph of the hearts' pattern and an Ideal Scope image.

Consequently, most people probably don't think they need an ASET Scope image to make an informed decision. However, the fact of the matter is that each reflector scope has a different purpose.

We use the H&A scope to judge the degree of optical precision. When we look at a diamond through an H&A Scope, we're looking to see whether the hearts' pattern is uniform in size and shape.

The Purpose of an Ideal Scope:
Should I ask James Allen for ASET Scope images for True Hearts diamonds, AGS 104093760004

James Allen True Hearts Ideal Scope Image.

An Ideal Scope image like the one to the left helps us identify the extent to which a diamond is leaking light. The Ideal Scope image for this 1.035 carat, H-color, VS-1 clarity, James Allen True Hearts diamond looks excellent.

Just because the Ideal Scope image looks good does not mean that the James Allen ASET Scope image will also because the scopes have different purposes. The purpose of an ASET is to determine from where in the room a diamond is gathering light.

In other words, a James Allen ASET Scope image shows how effectively a diamond is making use of the light. You can also use an ASET Scope image to determine how evenly light is reflecting within a diamond.

James Allen ASET vs Ideal Scope Images:

Ideal Scope image James Allen True Hearts diamond.

James Allen True Hearts Ideal Scope Image.

Take a look at the Ideal Scope image for this 1.046 carat, H-color, VS-2 clarity, James Allen True Hearts diamond. Do you see the light pink areas? 

What do you think the light pink areas represent in an Ideal Scope image? And while we're on the subject: Why does the Ideal Scope image for this James Allen True Hearts diamond look different from the one above?

"Enquiring minds want to know" because those light pink translucent areas indicate light leakage. Consequently, all diamonds leak light to some degree, and ideal cut diamonds are not immune to this phenomenon.

With this in mind, the goal from my perspective is to pick the ideal cut diamonds that exhibit the least amount of light leakage. To put this another way, I focus on finding diamonds that exhibit the highest light return volume.

But Wait, the ASET Scope Image Looks Great?

James Allen ASET Scope images for True Hearts diamond, AGS 104096128007

James Allen ASET Scope Image AGS DQD.

That's right, Padwan, but try to remember that ASET Scope images are not the same thing as Ideal Scope images. Each type of reflector scope has a specific purpose, and you can't use the scope images interchangeably.

The James Allen ASET map on the lab report for this 1.046 carat, H-color, VS-2 clarity, True Hearts diamond shows the diamond reflects light evenly.

The red color indicates that the diamond should be very bright because it gathers light from the brightest light source in the room and reflects it evenly.

Simultaneously, the Ideal Scope image provided on the diamond details page indicates that the diamond is leaking a little bit of light under the table facet.

Interpreting Mixed Signals:

Cushion Outline Halo Setting for Round Diamonds.

Cushion Outline Halo Pave by James Allen.

On the one hand, it seems like the diamond is gathering light from all the right places. However, it's also leaking light to some extent. Does that mean that this is not a good diamond?

Not necessarily. The proportions and overall cut grade of this diamond place it in the Top 1% of the annual production for rounds.

However, the reflector scope images for the 1.035 carat, H-color, VS-1 clarity, James Allen True Hearts diamond look better.

In that case, I'm inclined to choose that diamond over this one. That only makes sense, right?

What About These James Allen ASET & Ideal Scope Images?

James Allen ASET and Ideal Scope images for True Hearts diamond, AGS 104093458023

Ideal Scope image,  but no James Allen ASET.

You have the hang of this now, so tell me what you think of the ASET and Ideal Scope images for this 1.05 carat, H-color, VS-2 clarity, James Allen True Hearts diamond.

It seems that the degree of hue and saturation of red is very consistent throughout this diamond, correct? In that way, the Ideal Scope image looks similar to the one for the 1.03 carat diamond above.

That means that this diamond might also be another contender. I'm happy about that because it's always nice to have more than one choice.

Consequently, I don't think there is any reason to pay for the higher VS-1 clarity grade. After all, a VS-2 clarity diamond is also going to face-up eye-clean. Of course, you might prefer the higher clarity for peace of mind.

This James Allen ASET Scope Image Also Looks Great:

James Allen ASET Scope iamges for True hearts diamond, AGS 104093458023

Find the James Allen ASET on the DQD.

I know what you're thinking. Just because the Ideal Scope image for this James Allen diamond looks good doesn't mean that the ASET Scope image will look good.

I know that's what you were thinking. Good Padwan, we'll make a professional diamond buyer out of you yet. Just imagine the havoc you can wreak upon your local jeweler with the knowledge you now possess.

No. Seriously. I'm not kidding. The reality is that there are a lot of retail jewelers who have no idea how to interpret an ASET or Ideal Scope image. Many of them don't understand the in's and out's of diamond cut quality either.

They don't know the first thing about light performance either. Please don't take my word for it. Put whoever you're working with to the test. Go into your local jewelry store and start asking questions.

Don't blame me if you get thrown out.

Sleek Cathedral Setting by James Allen.

Sleek Diamond Cathedral by James Allen.

And for G-d's sake, please don't tell them that your one of my disciples because Nice Ice is not a cult. Or is it?

We've already been sued for disclosure of proprietary information to the public by a trade organization.

#TrueStory. Screw those guys; we won! Perhaps, they had never heard of the First Amendment of the United States. It specifically protects freedom of speech and sarcastic wit.

But I digress, let's get back to the James Allen ASET Scope map for this True Hearts diamond. It looks spectacular, right? Right. In that case, you have two James Allen True Hearts diamonds from which to choose.

James Allen ASET/Ideal Scope Correlation?

James Allen ASET and Ideal Scope images for True Hearts diamonds, AGS 104098660025

Ideal Scope Image for James Allen True Hearts.

Look at the ASET and Ideal Scope images for this 1.07 carat, H-color, VS-2 clarity, James Allen True Hearts diamond, and you'll see there is no correlation.

The answer to the question posed above is a resounding NO. You can not use ASET/Ideal Scope images interchangeably because why? "They are designed to be used for completely different purposes!"

That's right. Once again, this diamond shows a hint of light leakage under the table facet, as indicated by the light pink areas in the scope image. Although this is true, full-blown leakage looks like a translucent window.

Ideal Scope vs James Allen ASET:

James Allen ASET Scope images for True Hearts Diamonds, AGS 104098660025

James Allen ASET map on AGS DQD.

The ASET Scope image for this James Allen True Hearts diamond shows no trace of light leakage under the table facet. If this isn't confirmation that you cannot use ASET/Ideal Scope images interchangeably, I don't know what is.

Since the reflector scopes have different purposes, an experienced diamond buyer like yourself will insist on having both. Right?

Because now you know that a photograph of the hearts' pattern and an Ideal Scope image is not sufficient to make an informed decision. Of course, the reality is that you just happened to luck out in this particular situation.

Of course, that's because you're only considering James Allen True Hearts diamonds graded by the AGS Laboratory. Look at James Allen True Hearts diamonds graded by the GIA Laboratory. Then, you'll see that the James Allen ASET map is not available.

James Allen ASET Only on AGS Graded Diamonds:

Pave Halo Setting by James Allen.

Pavé Halo Setting by James Allen.

That's because only the AGS Laboratory uses Angular Spectrum Evaluation Technology (ASET) to evaluate the light performance. The technology is proprietary, and the GIA Laboratory cannot provide it.

Suppose you're considering James Allen True Hearts diamonds graded by the GIA Laboratory. In that case, you will need to ask James Allen to provide you with an ASET Scope image.

I've requested James Allen ASET Scope images for GIA graded True Hearts diamonds in the past. The big man himself told me: "We don't provide ASET Scope images for round diamonds."

What to do? What to do? The answer is obvious. Stick with James Allen True Hearts diamonds graded by the AGS Laboratory on the Platinum Light Performance grading platform. Nothing else will do. Let me know if I can help you further.

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Todd Gray
Dive deep into the glittering world of diamonds with Todd Gray, the CEO of Gray Matter Development, LLC. Todd has 35+ years of experience as a diamond buyer and trade consultant. He ghostwrites content for several online vendors and is an avid Freediver, currently exploring the Cenotes of Yucatan, Mexico. Dive into brilliance with Todd Gray!