Wedding Rings Shopping for Visual Symbols of Love

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September 4

“Gifts are visual symbols of love, most wedding ceremonies include the giving and receiving of rings. The person performing the ceremony says ‘these rings are outward invisible signs of an inward and spiritual bond that unites your two hearts in love that has no end. That is not meaningless rhetoric, it is verbalizing a significant truth, symbols have emotional value” says Gary Chapman in his book The 5 Love Languages, the Secret to Love That Lasts.

So let’s shop for these symbols of love…

Traditional half round style wedding bands from Brian GavinIf you’re a traditional sort of guy, you might be perfectly happy with this half round wedding band from Brian Gavin, but frankly I find them kind of boring… “It’s so last century” as my daughter would say.  But these are the wedding rings of our fathers and grandfathers generation, so we’re comfortable with them, and thus they are the most popular style of wedding band.

But they’re usually 14k yellow gold, we’re completely breaking the rules by considering this set which is 14k white gold! How absolutely bold of us! Now if you really want to be daring, consider these comfort fit wedding bands from Brian Gavin, they’re rounded on the inside and the outside!

By the way, in case you’re wondering, the black streaks that are visible across the wedding rings in the picture is a reflection of the camera lens… I used to run into this problem all the time when trying to photograph jewelry, I’m glad that Brian Gavin experiences the same challenge because I thought it was just me.

There are 99 pages of Classic Wedding Bands available from Brian Gavin and each page features about 27 rings, so there are plenty of modern renditions of the classic wedding band for you to choose from.  And most of the rings are available in white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, and platinum, some with diamonds, some without. It should be pretty easy to find a wedding band that appeals to your personal sense of style, but if for some reason you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for, Brian Gavin can custom design it and make the ring on the premises, they have a great custom jeweler on site.

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Todd Gray
Dive deep into the glittering world of diamonds with Todd Gray, the CEO of Gray Matter Development, LLC. Todd has 35+ years of experience as a diamond buyer and trade consultant. He ghostwrites content for several online vendors and is an avid Freediver, currently exploring the Cenotes of Yucatan, Mexico. Dive into brilliance with Todd Gray!