The traditional April Birthstone is a diamond in white or fancy colors; alternatively, opal and sapphire suffice, but those also represent other months.
In 2018, diamond month officially kicked off on April 1st, right alongside Easter and Fool’s Day! Far be it from me to draw any sort of conclusion from the fact that such important worldly events fall on the same day.
It’s probably just some sort of cosmic joke resulting from the Mayan’s decision to end the world in 2012. Go ahead, laugh if you want to, but rumor has it that a 150-foot asteroid did fly alarmingly close to earth Sunday morning!
But you didn’t come here to discover more about those kinds of rocks now, did you? Nope. You’re here to learn about diamonds, which brings me to the point of this rant. The traditional birthstone for the month of April is diamond.
The April Birthstone Is Diamond:
If you were born in the month of April, then your birthstone is diamond. How cool is that? No doubt, you’ve got a sparkling personality!
Need to buy a gift for somebody born this month? Diamonds are the perfect gift! Trust me, nothing says “you’re really special to me” like a couple of diamonds slipped inside of a birthday card!
A couple of twenty dollars bills is so last month. Trust me, I have it on good authority from several sources within my family unit.
Diamonds are what’s in fashion this month! All month! Because April is the diamond month! An entire month dedicated to diamonds!
If you think this is a bit over the top, just imagine my having to listen to it all morning, every morning, for the past few weeks!
My girlfriend’s daughter Abril (which is Spanish for April) has a birthday this month. Needless to say, Abril has been trying to impress me with her marketing skills for several weeks now. This is not to be mistaken for dropping hints.
Every Writer Needs A Muse:

Luna de Miel, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Now you know the source of my inspiration. Perhaps I should simply tell people that I’m a blogger and not mention that I’m a diamond buyer by profession?
The problem with saying that “I’m a blogger” is that people either think that I live in my mom’s basement (which doesn’t exist) or that I spend all day sitting outside typing with a view that looks like this. Neither of which are accurate.
Although I will admit that I did take this picture while on vacation. Then I immediately sent the picture to Brian Gavin via WhatsApp titled “My office today” knowing full well that he was slaving away at his desk. Now I’m chained back to my desk, missing the incredible view from Villa Luna de Miel, in Mazunte, Mexico.
One of these days, I really should write a series of articles about what it’s like going from full-time diamond buyer to blogger. Most of my friends and family really do think that I spend all day on the beach.
The illusion is that I spend my days answering emails from someplace that looks just like this. The truth, however, is that I haven’t set foot on the beach here in Playa del Carmen in several months. How sad is that?
How I’ll (really) be spending Diamond Month:
So what is it really like to earn a living blogging about diamonds? I spend most days working at my desk just like you do. Countless hours are spent answering emails.
I respond to dozens of Diamond Concierge service requests per day. I spend countless hours searching for diamonds and talking with clients (and the truth is that I love it).
The difference between me and most people who blog about diamonds is that I have 30+ years of experience as a diamond buyer for the trade. Brian Gavin can vouch that there is more to the life of a blogger than sitting on a beach.
We spend a lot of time talking on Skype, discussing the characteristics of diamonds that I’ve selected from the Brian Gavin Signature collection. In this screenshot from yesterday, Brian and I are talking about the inclusions within two SI-1 clarity diamonds.
We talk about stuff that can’t be derived from the plotting diagram on a diamond grading report, nor from a clarity photograph. This is the type of detail that only surfaces when two experts in the field get together and talk. This type of conversation is possible because Brian Gavin works off of physical diamond inventory.
Celebrating the April Birthstone Diamond:
Brian Gavin Diamonds kicked off diamond month by publishing the Little Black Book of Diamonds. The book is a great tutorial that everybody with an interest in diamonds should read.
Given that Easter falls during the month of April this year, I think that this page explaining the difference between Carats, Karats, and Carrots is appropriate as a reference. It goes without saying that people often use the wrong word when telling me the carat weight of the diamond they are looking for.
“Hey Doc, I’m looking for a five carrot diamond” is only appropriate coming from Bugs Bunny. No worries. We’ll just blame auto-text for the wrong use of the word.
It goes without saying that I’d use all the wrong words if I tried to step in and do your job! Don’t sweat the small stuff, right? Just be sure to download the Little Black Book of Diamonds by Brian Gavin and you’ll be walking the talk in no time!
I’d love to help you find the diamond you are looking for! There is absolutely no cost for you as a consumer to use my Diamond Concierge Service. My time is paid for by the vendors that I work with in the form of affiliate commissions and advertising fees.
Of course, this does not mean that you have to restrict your search to vendors whom I work with. I’m happy to look over the details for any diamonds that you are considering. Consequently, that's regardless of whether the dealer is one of my preferred vendors or not.